Coronavirus Update – Hyde Park House
- The Coffee Lounge is now back open please follow advice and social distancing procedures.
- Sanitising stations are provided to both entrances to Hyde Park House, anyone entering Hyde Park House must sanitise on entry – Hyde Park House will ensure the stations are cleaned & refilled on a regular basis
- Additional sanitising stations are provided on all landing areas and we would ask that you sanitise your hands before using the lift.
- Signing in – Tenants & visitors will still be required to sign in at Reception, please sanitise again after signing in using the sanitiser provided next to the sign in books.
- Extra cleaning is in place throughout the day, in particular sanitising of lift buttons, bannisters, push plates, door handles, light switches, toilets, kitchens, communal areas
- Office cleaning – our cleaning team will wear face masks & gloves when entering individual offices, desks that are clear will be sanitised. Cleaners will sanitise hands between office cleans.
- Security check & lock down – our security team will wear face masks during the inspection of office areas including regular sanitising of their hands.
- Visitors – When visitors come to Hyde Park House, they will need to follow the sanitising procedures on entry & follow the social distancing measure we have in place. Where possible we would advise that visitors remain seated in the reception area and then taken to your office or the breakout area on the Ground Floor once you have met them. We have provided a screened waiting area in the Reception and to the breakout area.
- Deliveries – Delivery drivers will no longer be delivering to individual offices there is a delivery drop off point in the Reception area, our Reception team will contact you when you have had a delivery for you to come & collect.
- Post incoming – Our Reception team will still sort tenants incoming post & deliver to offices, it will be contactless the Reception team will knock on your door & leave your post just inside your office by the door.
- Outgoing post & Franking – We still offer an outgoing postal service Royal Mail collect around 4pm the outgoing post bag is at the front of the Reception desk. Any post that requires franking must be left in the trays on the desk in front of Reception clearly marked with your company name & how you would like the post sent (post its available on the desk).
- Lift – We would ask that you use the hand sanitiser before using the lift and that a 1 in 1 out policy is followed.
- Social distancing procedures – Where possible a 2 meter distance must be kept between all HPH staff, tenants & visitors. Social distancing floor stickers have been put down throughout the building along with clearly marked passing zones on the corridors.
- Meeting Rooms – Personal Protection Screens have been fitted in all meeting rooms together with a hand sanitiser to each seated position. A one-way system has been put in place to maintain social distancing. The meeting rooms will be sanitised after each meeting so you can be assured of your safety.
Welfare Facilities
- Anti-bacterial handwash is provided in all kitchens to encourage regular hand washing
- We would ask that you maintain a clear sink & work top policy after using the kitchen facility.
- To help maintain the recommended social distancing we have implemented a 1 in 1 out policy. To further assist this arrangement, we are suggesting a split at the peak times i.e) 12.00 – 1.00pm. This would work in practice by the left hand side of the corridor (when viewed from the left) using the kitchen 12-12.30pm and the right hand side of the corridor (when viewed from the left) using the kitchen 12.30pm – 1pm
- Everyone must clear their own waste and clean the area after use
- Handwashing facilities available in all toilets to encourage regular handwashing
- Additional cleaning in place throughout the day including door handles, locks & toilet flush
- Doors propped open where possible to prevent door handles being used
- Like the kitchens we would ask that you maintain adopt the 1 in 1 out policy to help with social distancing.
We thank you all for your cooperation at this time. For more information email